One Way Ticket (Midwood)


She hated him — but still wanted him sexually — day and night.

From the back:

Julia wanted revenge, and Frank was the unknowing victim. She set about getting even by using the only weapon she had—her beautiful body. Julia used her body artfully, teasing every erotic instinct Frank had. But she went too far and found that she could not resist satisfying the urges she had aroused in him. When Frank found out who she was he fed her to his wolf pack —six leering brutes who drew for high card to see “who would cut the cake.”


Down And Out

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She was like all the others… a young female desperately in need of money, with nothing to offer in the way of collateral except herself!

From the back:

A Little Something On Account

“You have to give me more time,” she pleaded. “I’ll be able to pay next week, I swear. Please, if my husband finds out about this loan, he’ll… well,. I just don’t know what he’d do.”
“I’d have to have a special reason for bending the rules,” he replied softly, allowing his gaze to travel down the length of her ripe body. “Very special.”
Awareness crept into her eyes and color flooded her pale cheeks. She hung her head for a moment and trembled. Then, wetting her lips, she glanced over at the couch and door.
He smiled and rose from behind the desk. “I’ll lock it so we won’t be disturbed.”
The young housewife nodded listlessly and began to unbutton the front of her well-filled blouse.

via Grapefruit Moon Gallery

A Game for Grown-Ups


How Long Before The Difference In Their Ages Blew Their Affair Apart?

From the back:

Ralph Keyes, the new coach of the high-school football team, had wound up a spectacular professional career before returning to his new job in his old home town. But now both Ralph and Marilyn, his still-beautiful wife, secretly wondered how dull this new kind of life would be. They got their answers fast enough, and on their own. The coach found nothing boring about the school ‘s eye-filling, fun-loving twin cheerleaders who couldn’t wait to share experiences with a real pro like Ralph. And Marilyn Keyes quickly found the team’s young star player an exciting consolation for her husband’s growing neglect. Neither Marilyn nor Ralph took heed of possible catastrophic effects of their activities until their private lives nearly exploded into public scandal and they suddenly had to face the fact that their game was strictly for adults, no matter how skilled their younger partners might be. 
A bold novel of irresponsible adults and their devastating effects on today’s liberated youth.
