The Cool World

1960 Crest (Fawcett) S386

From the listing:

First published in 1959, The Cool World is the most famous of Warren Miller’s work (all of which is relatively unknown) about a youth gang called the “Crocodiles” in 1950’s Harlem, New York City. Narrated in the first person by the protagonist and Crocodile member Duke, The Cool World recounts the story of Duke and his gang’s adventures and travails as they deal with street life in the ghetto and a rival gang called the Wolves. Drug dealing, fights, prostitution, guns, and gambling are rampant throughout this engaging, slim novel that rarely has a dull moment. Written entirely in African-American street vernacular of the time, Miller—a caucasian academic—accomplished a great, and mostly unnoticed, linguistic and narrative feat with this novel.


April North

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Beacon Books - B456F Al Rossi
1965 beacon #B-801X

She meant to say “NO”…

The Tragedy Of Our High Schools — Where The Kids Too Often Catch Up With Their Fast-Living Elders!

After that first experience, they called her “easy”… and that was what she was to the small-town sexpack — whose country club set gave a postgraduate course in lust… before she was through high-school

This entire book can be downloaded here

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I’m No Good (Original Title: Find The Dreamer Guilty)

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A Realistic Novel Of Youth In Revolt

From the back:

Pretty Maritta Crandall had a craving for excitement which she satisfied in strange ways: Dancing provocatively with young boys at her teen-age daughter’s parties – And letting herself be wooed and petted by handsome Lotharios growing into men. But her most dangerous flirtation began with an amorous tryst she made with reckless Davey Carter, the town’s bad boy. And she learned too late the violence in a juvenile delinquent’s code of love.
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