The Most Frank and Outspoken Story of This Terrible Vice
Days And Nights Of A Juvenile Delinquent…
The shocking ecstasy of the forbidden
From the back:
The world of BLACK OPIUM is a forbidden world where human bodies find them-selves possessed and driven by desires which consume them in the flames of hot-blooded ecstasy . . .
Here is a world of torture and torment, filled with the fantastically erotic shapes of the living nightmares of depraved love —a book that will astound you with its frank revelations of vice and corruption
A Wild Breed of Men Who Live at the Pace That Kills
Apparently, the man romancing the nice young women on this cover is gay.
A doctor’s realistic report on the darker side of love and sexual impulses gone wild
From the back:
In a frighteningly large number of people, the sexual impulse does not receive healthy gratification. It is channeled into other. darker pathways, to become a compulsive force that can transform human beings into monsters. Hiding behind a placid smile, the sexual deviate may become so warped that murder enhances his enjoyment of. and sometimes becomes the substitute for, the act of love.
In this compelling study. Dr. Woodward examines, via minutely fleshed-out case histories. convicted criminals whose misdeeds arose out of the tortured convolutions of their sexual needs.