Thorn of Evil

Midwood Book F199 1962 thumbnail
Midwood Books F199, 1962 thumbnail
Midwood Book F199 1962 back thumbnail
Midwood Book F199 1962
Midwood Books F199, 1962
Midwood Book F199 1962 back

The view from the garden was beautiful — and tempting.

From the back:

She performed the lowest act she could think of, just to spite her errant husband. As a result a whole family was dragged to the very depths of depravity by a brutal man who used raw sex as a weapon of revenge. Included in his plans was Nono, the beautiful and tantalizing daughter whose poolside antics left nothing to the imagination.

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Sin Date With A Sleep-Over Nurse

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Male April 1967 thumbnail
Male April 1967

“My goodness, Mr. Taylor,” Maureen murmured. “Haven’t you ever seen a nurse out of uniform before?”

Young, lush, golden-haired, she was the live-in nurse who tended Frank Taylor’s bedridden wife—and to Taylor himself, a tantalizing, just-out-of-reach goad to bottled-up passions. Then came the night he realized that the perfect female body beneath the starched white uniform was tormented by needs as fevered as his own, triggering his first step toward the limits of forbidden desire…

Male, April 1965 via

Edit: Added the cover for this issue, which includes a different painting of this scene by Mort Kunstler, rather than Gil Cohen who did the interior illustration. via via

Sex Fiend

MONARCH MB511 1961 thumbnail
MONARCH 1961 thumbnail
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MONARCH MB511 1961

A doctor’s realistic report on the darker side of love and sexual impulses gone wild

From the back:

In a frighteningly large number of people, the sexual impulse does not receive healthy gratification. It is channeled into other. darker pathways, to become a compulsive force that can transform human beings into monsters. Hiding behind a placid smile, the sexual deviate may become so warped that murder enhances his enjoyment of. and sometimes becomes the substitute for, the act of love.
In this compelling study. Dr. Woodward examines, via minutely fleshed-out case histories. convicted criminals whose misdeeds arose out of the tortured convolutions of their sexual needs.

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