That Motel Weekend

Signal Books B782K 1964

Not Even A Blizzard Could Cool Off… That Motel Weekend

From the back:

Tack’s personal radar raised an ‘echo from the’ girl who had just entered the mote!. Need emanated from her in waves he could actually feel. She was a honeymooner, though. Tack would have to wait a while. So with his old hunger aroused, Tack examined that other woman again. Lydia, the lovely wife of Dan, his best friend. Since the first time he had seen her, Tack had known he would never be satisfied until he had had her…
Tack McFadden was always aroused, always on the prowl. And as he prowled during THAT MOTEL WEEKEND, he was to unleash a wild tide of desire and passion among the other guests, including:
Staley and Alva — An executive and his employee’s wife, “Mr. and Mrs.” on the motel register.
Rona and Jan — Two girls more interested in each other than in any man.
Karl and Frank — They had violent ideas about women, and were ready to fight each other for their next victim.
Relentless Tale Of Thirteen Men And Women Who Could Hide Their Stored-Up Passions From The Rest Of The World — But Not From Each Other!


The Set

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Beacon #B-532F, 1962 thumbnail
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beacon #B-532F, 1962
Beacon #B-532F, 1962

Henrietta And Her Set Had One Thing In Common… They All Wanted Louise!
She knew all about men and their ways… but nothing about certain women and their wants…
A Blazing Novel Of A Young Girl Caught In A Web Of Perversity!

From the back:

Meet Barbie — the milk and honey, baby-faced blonde who had once loved and been loved by men, but who now found fulfillment in The Set…
Meet Lynn — striking, stunning, noted sculptress — an expert in molding the girls in her own image…
Meet Chummy — gorgeous, statuesque, velvet-skinned brunette… who liked them pert, pretty and petite…
Meet Louise — pert, pretty, petite — and innocent – until Chummy sponsored her for “membership”…
Meet Henrietta — dominating, willful, bewitching… spinning a silken web of wanton eroticism from which none of them could — or would — escape…
Until Ted Williams, handsome virile photographer of models-in-the-flesh pitted his male strength and charm against — The Set

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The Speed Set


Fast and furious excitement… frenzied and feverish passions!

From the back:

By day, they played a game of danger, flirting with death on every hairpin turn… by night, they played a game of passion, seeking new thrills with each new partner. There wasn’t anything they wouldn’t try, anything they wouldn’t do… as long as it provided the wild, hot excitement they so recklessly pursued.


The Beach Set

Beacon Books S75135, n.d., ca 1970

Mimi knew little about life… but all there was to know about love…

From the back:

Meet The Beach Set… The Free-Wheeling, Free-Living, Free-Loving Swingers Of The Art Colony
Margaret Benson — An art teacher who believes the female figure can best be studied in bed — and offers herself to prove it.
Ulric Shaw — Margaret’s star pupil—who does his best work with teacher after class.
Alec Warner — The young painter too shy to look at the model —until Margaret teaches him in a private lesson.
And most of all… 
Mimi — who charges the jaded atmosphere of the art colony with the fresh and vibrant sensuality of her free young body.
And even the sea must feel the shock as two uninhibited women clash for sexual dominion of the beach.
And both win … And both lose…


The Bloody Forty-Five Days

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Operator #5 October 1936 thumbnail
Operator #5 October 1936

America, last citadel of freedom and democracy in the world, has made a valiant but futile stand against the ravening war hordes of the cruel conqueror, Rudolph I, the man whose super fighting machine is ruthlessly putting the nations of civilized men in thrall. Daily mass executions of men and women — even children — on the Eastern seaboard, are but one of the diabolical means of bringing the surviving patriots to heel.

But there is one band who will never yield, who grimly say: “Death before dishonor!” Their leader, Jimmy Christopher, known to them as Operator 5, realizes that only one bold, desperate move can furnish his fellow American s with the thundering fleet of air destroyers with which alone they can hope to save their country. Grimly, quickly, silently, he sets his plan into action!

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