House Of Sin

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A Novel That Dares Go Behind the Walls of a Woman’s Health Resort to Expose the Secrets That Lay in the Hearts of All Women

From the back:

Why were they there? What did they really want?
They called it a health farm, but the women who gathered behind its walls needed more than the mere help of reducing… much, much more.
Dana Costello: She owned the resort and she knew what the women wanted… and she was ready to supply anything…even herself.
Rowena: She could buy anything with her money…even men…but she wanted Dana and she wanted her as more than a friend.
Inez: A Park Avenue matron, she came to the farm to escape the compulsions that drove her to waterfront bars…and she found an even worse horror.
Jennifer: She struggled to escape the perverse attraction of Dana Costello… and found the true meaning of love.
Hope: Her only love was the bottle… but her alcoholic world was invaded by a brutal relentless male.
This is a story that will shock you with its blatant realism…a story that builds to a crescendo climax.


The Girls In 3-B

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From the back:

THEY CAME TO THE CITY fascinated, frightened — hungering after life with that desperate, headlong impatience of the very young…
THERE WAS ANNICE… Bright, curious, full of untried passion, she let Alan drag her into his beat-generation world of parties, jazz, booze, marijuana and sex.
AND PAT… She was big and blonde and built for love, but she was saving herself for marriage. Until she met her boss. Right from the beginning Pat knew she’d do anything for him-anything.
AND BARBY… She was the most vulnerable. Men terrified her and for a good reason. When she finally fell in love it was with a woman.
THE GIRLS IN 3-B — a vivid and searching novel of young girls on the brink of womanhood, caught up in the cruel and tantalizing currents of big-city life.

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Gay Scene

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Every Time A Man Had Her It Was Rape, But With Other Women It Was Love

From the back:

A Perfect 36-C

This is the story of Elise Lindsey, beautiful, sensuous small town schoolteacher, who became a brassiere model in New York’s garment district. Men could not resist “handling the merchandise,” but Elise was only interested in pursuing the lavender love of Lesbos as she made the “gay scene” in Greenwich Village.


Her Woman

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Lesbian! The word stunned her — yet the caresses of beautiful Myra still burned in her soul. There was only one way she could escape. Coldly, ruthlessly, openly, she began the search for a man, any man, who could satisfy… and Save Her!

Cover art reused from Warped Desire

From the back:

It seemed innocent enough, at first. Just a gentle kiss on the cheek and an affectionate caress from her college roommate, Myra. But beautiful, passionate Gale found herself growing more and more excited; and then a strange frenzy seized her… And then it was too late.
When Gale married it seemed that this brief unnatural affair was forgotten. Then she found her husband in bed with another woman.
Heartbroken, aching now for love, Gale returned to her old college as a teacher. Like some ghost from the past, Myra was suddenly there.
Hardly before Gale realized what she was doing, wild days and nights followed. Myra held her spellbound like a moth hypnotized by flame. There seemed to be no turning back. Finally Gale made her decision. She embarked on one of the strangest quests any woman has ever undertaken. She would find a man, any man, who would give her the kind of love she needed and demanded. Wantonly, she had affairs with men teachers and male students.
And in fighting back, Myra pulled Gale down to the lowest depths.




From the back:

It wasn’t the first time Nikki had been placed on the auction block and sold to the highest bidder, but it was the first time the highest bidder turned out to be a woman… a strange and exciting woman.

“Make no mistake about it,” Olivia March stated flatly, “I own you, body and soul. Whatever I want, whatever i ask… you’ll give, and go on giving until I tell you to stop.”


Death Of Anger


A man’s revolt from his sterile marriage to a beautiful lesbian

From the back:

“The events of our wedding night blew my marriage apart,” said Hugh Canning. Then, many arid nights later:
“That night I took her again. It was a fight, wrestling and gasping in the darkness, and, as if she knew how serious it was, as if the time to be ladylike was some weeks gone by, she did not scream once… Next morning she did not get out of bed. She didn’t get out of bed the next day either, or the day after or for the next twelve years.”


Baby Face


She looked so sweet and innocent. No one suspected that she preyed on other girls…

 From the back:

LES’BI-AN-ISM, n: love between females.
That’s the dictionary definition. But exactly what is this feminine mystery? How does it begin? Is it completely physical? Can there actually be a “successful” relationship?
In this daring new novel, Randy Salem boldly comes up with fresh answers. She pictures the heartaches, the strains, the lustful and voluptuous delights of the Lesbian way of life. She introduces three sex-mad women:
Karel – high principled, yet intensely passioned.
Liz – successful seducer, and perversely possessive.
Marlena – as unscrupulous as she is sensuous.
You will follow their affair moment by moment to its unforgettable climax. And you will learn why they all craved the irresistible girl called…BABY FACE


Twilight Lovers


They Lived And Loved In The Off-Beat World Of Lesbianism

From the back:

Gail, Marja and Gretchen were part of the topsy-turvy world in which you stared if a boy danced with a girl, and found it normal when two girls rubbed knees under the table or sneaked off into the shadows for more intimate contact.

It was the world of the dyke, the butch, the bull, the ladylover – terms you resented, at first, and then grew to like, for it set you apart and made you different.

It was a blast because it was a world without inhibitions — except when you were among squares — and conformity was the most grievous sin.

It was a mad, mad, satisfying world – until one day you opened your eyes to discover that you were considered an outcast, a pervert, and your depravity could send you to jail.


Libido Beach


A modern Isle of Lesbos — a sun-drenched Sodom just an hour from Manhattan

From the back:

Dinny was witty, gay, flip and almost fiercely casual. She was faithful to one girl at a time and was a wonderful lover until an affair threatened to involve her emotionally. Then she shied away, broke off the relationship quickly and cleanly. Usually there was no trouble, but when she told Gail, exquisite, clinging Gail, that they were through, Gail refused to accept it. There was trouble aplenty — and black tragedy — before Dinny learned to face herself and assume the responsibilities that love imposes.
