Don’t Get Caught (Original Title: Hangman’s Harvest)

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She Had Everything But A Conscience

From the back:

Stranger in Town

Milo March was aware of two things: The .38 in his pocket and the perfume of the blonde beside him, He’d only been in Aragon City an hour but already he’d seen enough to know the town was ready to blow wide open… Suddenly two men came to the bar and the taut feeling of trouble quivered in the air. The blonde shuddered and whispered: “Get me out of here… Take me home.”


The Junk Pusher

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Pyramid 126 1954

He brought a new vice to a sin-ridden town

From the back:

His victims were drug-addicted teenager and desperate women
Rick Hunt was a salesman. His product was depravity. His territory extended from Stark Town’s crime-infested Mexican quarter to the sordid splendor of the Mayor’s mansion. His customers were the young and the broken—life’s grotesque failures, sustained by drugs and sensual fantasies.
His women were a teen-aged addict called Isabella and the love-starved wife of his oldest friend.

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