Traveling Salesgirl

Vega Books V-50 1966

This was not the sort of life a young and beautiful girl should lead, but she was trapped in this racket of being a … Traveling Salesgirl


Georgia Hotel

Georgia Hotel The Affairs of a Traveling Salesman, paperback cover, 1952 thumbnail
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Pyramid books #68, 1952 thumbnail
Georgia Hotel The Affairs of a Traveling Salesman, paperback cover, 1952
Pyramid books #68, 1952

The affairs of a traveling salesman 

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The Pleasure Salesman

1965 Brandon House #742 thumbnail
Brandon House 742 1965 thumbnail
1965 Brandon House #742
Brandon House 742 1965

He offered his services to love-starved young girls.

Because if there is one demographic known both for having money and for not having any opportunities for pleasure, it is young girls.

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The Bedroom Broker

Brandon House #928, 1965 thumbnail
Brandon House 928 1965 thumbnail
1965 Brandon House #928 thumbnail
Brandon House #928, 1965
Brandon House 928 1965
1965 Brandon House #928

His white shirt and tanned torso gave him a sales technique that made women beg for his services!

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Georgia Hotel (1957)


It took a traveling salesman to awaken her

A very nice 1952 cover can be seen here


Sin Salesman

Midnight Reader #444 1964 thumbnail
Midnight Reader MR 444 1966 thumbnail
Midnight Reader #444 1964
Midnight Reader MR 444 1966

He Was Lust Keeper In A House Of Wantons!

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The Man From Avon

The Man From Avon, paperback cover, 1967 thumbnail
Avon #G1307, 1962 thumbnail
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The Man From Avon, paperback cover, 1967
Avon #G1307, 1962

He’s A Paperback Salesman On The Road Of Scorching Adventure. He’s Larry McKnight And Even UFO’s Can’t Stop Him!

Brought to you by Avon Publishing.

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The Zebra Derby

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The mighty onslaught of postwar women on a vigorous veteran

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Return of a Cheat


Four Months After Being Deserted Bu His Wife, He Discovers That Other Women Do Exist And That Variety May Be The Spice Of Life

From the back:

Reid Trombley’s fourth month of unwished-for bachelorhood was interrupted by a novel type of door-to-door salesman. Or rather woman, for indeed it was… the most sensual creature he had ever seen, a Negro girl named Nancy. Nancy’s professed occupation was the sale of subscriptions to so-called ‘sexology’ magazines but, as it turned out, she was hardly averse to practicing what she preached. Especially since Reid was so vulnerable, inasmuch as his wife had deserted him because, she claimed, he had lost it in bed.

But Reid certainly didn’t fail Nancy. As a result of his performance, he was invited to a ‘real swingin’ party in the colored section of town.

Reid was also the target of a pretty Molly Thorne, 16 year old neighbor of Reid’s who fully believed that her destiny in life was a mature man, namely Reid. Molly was also an artist and excelled in painting nudes of her various boyfriends in rather unique positions. Add to our story an aptly named dwarf, Beanie; his girl-friend and their gang of beach assailants; and the homecoming of Reid’s errant wife… along with her newest boyfriend. Not to mention a wayward ballerina named Tara Dean… and Reid’s former block turns into the distinct opposite.


The Junk Pusher

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Pyramid 126 1954 thumbnail
Pyramid 126 1954

He brought a new vice to a sin-ridden town

From the back:

His victims were drug-addicted teenager and desperate women
Rick Hunt was a salesman. His product was depravity. His territory extended from Stark Town’s crime-infested Mexican quarter to the sordid splendor of the Mayor’s mansion. His customers were the young and the broken—life’s grotesque failures, sustained by drugs and sensual fantasies.
His women were a teen-aged addict called Isabella and the love-starved wife of his oldest friend.

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Georgia Boy (1961)


Racy and riotous

A 1947 cover can be seen here


Honey Babe


“Selling door to door — it’s poor loot. But with all the free stuff you meet, who needs money?”
