Ladder Of Flesh (1962)

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Midwood #F177 1962
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A Story That Exposed Broadway As The Gay Way
Broadway offered her a star studded ladder to climb to the top, but when she put her foot on the first rung she found herself climbing down a ladder of flesh into a cesspool of Lesbian depravity.

From the back:

HALLIE, the playwright: She didn’t know which way to go so she went both ways.
ELLIOT, the director: He was a frustrated stud in a den full of Lesbians. CAROL, the ingenue, She would do anything with anybody to land a role, but she wanted Ellis.
ELLIS, the star: She was on the top and would do anything with anybody to stay there, but she wanted Carol.
WANDA, the angel: She had money and used it to buy her peculiar kind of love from Carol and Ellis.


Voluptuous Voyage

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Midwood #F198 1962

They were a ship of sinners who left their morals on the pier.

From the back:

Cabin 15A Robin & Sherry — 
Two call girls who played for pay, but when they played for keeps they played with each other. 
Cabin 17A Letty —
A technical virgin who won her ticket on a quiz show by not being so technical about her virginity. 
Cabin 18A Vivi — 
Sex mistress of the ship, she knew what men and women wanted — and gave it to them from stem to stern.
Cabin 19A Jason & Connie — 
He had the equipment, she knew how to use it.
Then there was Alan and Owen and Martine, all thrown together on a cruise that was one wild orgy from port to port.

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Midwood Books F207 - Jason Hytes - Over-Exposed

She was forced to commit the lowest acts, because a hidden camera saw too much.

From the back:

These girls were the cream of the city’s beauties and Linda was the most beautiful of all. But each of them, including Linda, was blackmailed into selling her body because an unscrupulous gang used a hidden camera as a trap. 
If it weren’t for Danny, Linda might still be submitting her body to such degrading acts as happened one afternoon on her living room floor. 
No Girl Was Safe From the Evil Camera Eye that Could Reveal Her most Intimate Secrets


By Flesh Alone


Lila’s husband could not satisfy her so she rejected him — not for another man, but for a woman.

From the back:

Deep within every woman lies the seed of Lesbianism. In most women it has withered and died, but in more than one would suspect the Lesbian potential lies dormant, waiting to be stimulated.
This is the story of Lila, whose seed of Lesbianism is brought to life even though she has been married for some years. In frustration she leaves her husband to seek fulfillment in the rarified world of Lesbos. What Lila finds and the eventual outcome make a gripping story and give an intimate look into what makes a woman tick.


Touch Me Gently

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Midwood #F212 1962
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How can I ever forget my first time — I was raped.

From the back:

Caught in the Short Grass
Innocent and beautiful Laurie had often gone alone to the secluded swimming hole for a moonlight dip. She never suspected someone might be there watching her ripe, nude body glistening in the moonlight. There was, and he did more than watch. He took her in the short grass, and Laurie was no longer a virgin.
Rape can cause a seventeen-year-old virgin to do some peculiar things. This is the story of what Laurie did—with Doni, Chuck, Mr. Kramer and hid, the one who got there first.


Lap Of Luxury

Midwood #F214 1962

Joyce found her pleasure in the lap of another woman and would do anything to stay there — even become a Lesbian prostitute.

From the back:

Inn Of Sin
The heat was on their racket — Lesbian prostitution — so Joyce and Mara were sitting it out at a secluded mountain inn. They didn’t sit still long, for wealthy Avery Drake was also there and was looking for thrills — wild erotic thrills. More girls were brought in and the party started with a game called ”Skylarking”-three half clad girls doing weird things to one another on the floor in front of the fireplace. Before it was over Avery got more than he bargained for, and the girls did too.


Forbidden Sex

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Midwood #F234 1963
Midwood Books F234 1963

Jean married the wrong man, then learned that every man was wrong for her — she was a latent Lesbian

From the back:

More Than A Friend
Jean knew that her husband was a liar and a cheat and their marriage was going on the rocks. It seemed normal for her to turn to a sympathetic friend for consolation. Jean might even be forgiven for finding something more satisfying than consolation in the arms and bed of this friend, except for one thing-her friend was a woman. It is hard to believe that any marriage could be so bad that it alone would turn a beautiful young wife against all men and make her a Lesbian. Somewhere deep within this young woman there must have been the germ of Lesbianism — waiting for the opportune time to grow, to multiply and eventually destroy every desire she had for men.
A Story That Cannot Be Discussed In Mixed Company

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A Bit Of Fluff

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Midwood F256
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She was only seventeen, but her body was already bought and paid for in full by another woman — a Lesbian.

From the back:

Just Between Girls

Penny stood in the shower, soaping herself carefully. The naked blonde who waited on the other side of the shower curtain had promised her a different kind of evening. Penny suspected what it would be, and she was ready. She needed love, even if it were with another woman. She had waited too long to care.

The story of a beautiful young girl who learned what it meant to be “A bit of fluff.”

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The Delicate Vice (Original Title: Unnatural)

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Men had hurt her so she embraced what she thought was a safer kind of love.

From the back:

Allison had everything except decency and self-respect, but she did not care. She had love a kind of love that was safe from pain and fear. Then one night at a wild party she met Cal Staton who offered her everything she could ask for. But he was a man and Allison was afraid. Would she be better off forgetting him, or did he mean more to her than being safe? 
A vivid and penetrating story about a girl who did not know which way to turn for love.

Originally published as Unnatural

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