That Motorcycle Boy

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One after another the restless suburban wives fell under his spell…

The penetrating story of a teen-ager who had a way with older women

From the back:

They protected him so they could use him…

There was something about Gordon. He was spoiled. He was wild. He was too smart for his own good. And he had sex appeal.
After his last motorcycle escapade with a girl, he required a hiding place. His mother’s young suburban friends rallied around. After all, the boy had to have a protector, didn’t he? And maybe a little tender, loving care.
Which was all Gordon needed to start operating…

Ginnie was a pretty little newlywed just out of her teens. It did not take long for her care to turn into passion.

Carmen was a warm-blooded Latin. The brat in Gordon appealed strongly to her own uninhibited lustiness.

Eustice was fighting the odds in her wild marital life. She recognized in Gordon a fellow loser… but knew that two losers could make it together.

Here is the stark novel of an amoral boy trapped in the sex web of young-adult suburbia.

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Satan’s Daughter (Epic Book)

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Satan's Daughter (Epic Book) back

Desperately, passionately in love with Randy, Jerry though he had found happiness — until he ran headlong into a leather-jacketed band of cruel, lusting wanton, twisted he-women… one of whom wanted Randy even more than he!

Doug Weaver‘s classic cover art was later reused for Satan Was A Lesbian. Not related to the Spicy Mystery story of the same name.


Young and Innocent

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Monarch Books #165, 1960

They were twilight lovers in the world between the sexes

From the back:

ANITA—an innocent, unawakened girl caught up in New York’s smart publishing set…
LAVINIA—her older but seductive boss with a reputation for making out with young men, but secretly a lover of girls like Anita…
BARRY—who has sworn off females till he is forced to prove to Anita that she is a normal woman — and to Lavinia that she is not…  
These three form the explosive triangle that gives thrust to this electrifying novel about the private, off-beat lives of Manhattan’s glamorous career girls.

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Strange Delights

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The Tragedy Of A Sex Doomed To Take Their Delights In Strange And Unnatural Ways

From the back:

Before Lonnie could protest further, the woman had led her into the bedroom and was pouring a green liqueur into two small snifters. Lonnie felt overly self-conscious. She wished the woman had given her a robe, at least.
“What’s it called?” she asked, pointing to the drinks.
“Why, creme de menthe, of course,” the other woman answered.
“I’ve never heard of it,” Lonnie said.
“Why, you poor little innocent,” she chucked. “But don’t just stand around like this, my dear.” She gave Lonnie a light pat on the buttocks. “Why don’t you get into bed? And we’ll finish our drinks there, all right?…”
“But — this is your bed,” Lonnie said, somewhat timidly.
“No, my dear. This is our bed.” She led Lonnie easily to the mattress and sat her down firmly. “Now, just lie back and relax, darling. There’s really nothing to worry about, you know…”
