Sex Kitten


Old enough and big enough she took a sip of sin — then took a bath in it.

From the back:

A Handful With Her Hands Full

When a voluptuous teen-age girl from Brooklyn spends a week end on the loose in Manhattan she can learn a lot. Maxine did. She started with a truck drive on Friday and ended with a detective on Sunday. In between, she gave her regards to Broadway and Broadway gave it right back to her in a way she would never forget.

She Was A Sex Kitten On Her First Prowl, And All The Cats Were Ready


One of the Girls

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Barbra was always availible… if the price was right

From the back:

“Nobody Twisted My Arm…”

“I knew what I was doing and why I was doing it. I wanted all the things I never had, all the things that other girls seemed to have… and I was willing to go whatever route it took to get them.
“The first time was the hardest. After he left, I cried and swore I’d never do it again… but I knew I was kidding myself. It’s like going off the edge of a cliff… after the first step, there’s no turning back, no way to go but down.
“After a while, it was easier. After a while, it didn’t matter who I was with or what was expected of me. The only thing that mattered was that they kept coming… and paying each one different and yet, the same.
“Besides, deep down, I loved every minute of it.”


The Naked I

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1954 Popular #641

Her Private Life Was Every Man’s Secret

Is “Races from one bedroom to another” supposed to be a complement?

From the back:

Every man in Hollywood admitted Maggy was the hottest thing to hit the screen in years. For Maggy’s path to success was strewn with producers and talent pimps, dopesters and blackmailers—all of them used and abused, then tossed aside.
But Maggy’s wild escapades reached an all-time high when she met screen writer, Sam Blake. From then on, it was open war on the “Morality Clause”—in a scandal not even Hollywood could take.
