William the Cannibal


They fell upon the unwary traveller and dragged him with savage whoops and cries to the fire. There they bound him to a tree and danced around brandishing sticks and chanting wild songs. Then they cooked him in a cauldron over a blazing fire, and ate him. Ginger was the first traveller, then it was Henry’s turn, and then Douglas’s. Finally William was eaten, his dying groans arousing real admiration. Altogether being cannibals was jolly good fun.


Wild Honey

Midwood Books F236, 1963

Jim sipped the wild honey of infidelity in the arms of his neighbor’s wife

From the back:

Having an attractive wife did not keep Jim from thinking about how pleasant it would be to sample his neighbor’s wife. When his chance came, Jim took more than a sample—once he had tasted the wild honey of infidelity he could not get enough. No woman in the neighborhood was safe from this sex-obsessed man. But then came Gloria, the beautiful visitor, and in one tumultuous act of lust and violence Jim learned the high price of wild honey.
