Journey To Damar: Pacific Paradise-Hell Isle Of The Everlasting Dead

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That sounded like a zombie story to me. But when I received the magazine and read it I found out “the everlasting dead” were not “living dead.” They’re dead dead. They’re the bodies of unfortunate victims of a South Seas tribe that likes to preserve the sacrificial victims they use in their tribal ceremonies. Ah well, the cover painting is still very cool — and so is the interior artwork for the story, which is titled “Ordeal on the Isle of the Everlasting Dead.”

Also includes How — When — Where: You Can Fight For Fortune Under Foreign Flags, and The Diet That Can Double Your Sexual Batting Average!

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Satan’s Daughter (Epic Book)

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Satan's Daughter (Epic Book) back

Desperately, passionately in love with Randy, Jerry though he had found happiness — until he ran headlong into a leather-jacketed band of cruel, lusting wanton, twisted he-women… one of whom wanted Randy even more than he!

Doug Weaver‘s classic cover art was later reused for Satan Was A Lesbian. Not related to the Spicy Mystery story of the same name.
