Girls’ School

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Beacon B820X 1965
Beacon Books S75111 - Jay Vincent - Girls' School (back)

From boarding school to bawdy school in one easy lesson!
The Daring Novel About A Bordello Queen Who Sets Up Shop In A Girl’s Academy

From the back:

When Teachers Pet 
To the eye, it was an innocent girls’ school. But the “head mistress” was a good-looking madam whose “students” included the gayest, wackiest, wittiest and wickedest call-girls ever to gladden a reprobate’s heart.
Every red-blooded man in the county was attending classes and acquiring a liberal education from the girls But then the pair of maiden aunts who owned the place — and had no idea of what was going on — decided to visit. With them they brought their young nephew.
Madam Angie and her “schoolgirls” somehow had to deceive the aunts. This they attempted with the aid of assorted customers and a bawdy schoolmaster. The resulting scramble was racier than a French farce and more earthy than a burlesque show. The aunts lost their innocence — and the nephew was seduced right into manhood.

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Mavis (1960)

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Beacon B282 1960
BEACON # B-282 1960

The shocking portrait of a pretty wife who fell victim to the soft and corrupt passions of another woman
A Scalding Novel About The Female Of The Species, Driven To Excess By Psychic Needs — And Physical Urges!

From the back:

Mavis was a million-kilowatt girl. K ZYX was a hundred-watt radio station. Hand-some Tom Harris was married to both of them — and tried to drown his dilemma in bourbon. But then lovely Gloria of the wayward lusts came on the scene and taught him how unholy bedlock could be. When Tom, too late, reached for Movie again, he found her gone — lost with a lass named Louise in a labyrinth of forbidden ecstasies where no man could follow. So he stuck by Gloria, a runaway from life though not from love…
Meanwhile, in Louise’s soft and expert arms, Mavis was learning something too. There was only one man on earth who could rescue her from unnatural love — the man that Tom had ceased to be!


Penthouse Party

Midwood 32-467 1965

The exotic drink was no less intoxicating that the erotic prospect of letting them share her!

From the back:

The Voluptuaries
They lived in the most luxurious of Park Avenue Penthouses, hiding their corruption beneath a veneer of elegant sophistication, spicing their jaded lives with sordid experiments in raw sensuality
BARBARA . . . the young bride who crept out of her husband’s bed and into one occupied by a naked woman.
SIMON . . . the affluent producer who enjoyed introducing pretty girls to his brand of dark sensuality.
JANIE . . . the oversexed teenager who couldn’t say no to anybody . . . or anything.
JACK. . . the muscle-man who specialized in catering to the gasping needs of older, wealthier women.
DELORES . . . the glamour girl who amused herself by taking husbands away from wives and wives away from husbands.


Desperate Asylum

1955 Lion Books LL44 thumbnail
Lion Library LL44 1955 thumbnail
1955 Lion Books LL44
Lion Library LL44 1955

A Brilliant Story Of Lesbian Love

From the back:

Lisa Sheridan—a beautiful woman, alone and unfulfilled, driven by unnatural desires… Avery Lawes— only half a man because he had never loved a woman…
They met, and each saw in the other a chance for escape. And so, in a frantic flight for normality, they were married. But they could not know the terrible depths into which their union would plunge them.
Desperate Asylum is the gripping story of a marriage made in Hell.


The Gay & The Guilty

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Private Edition PE397 1966 Back thumbnail
PE 397 1966
Private Edition PE397 1966
Private Edition PE397 1966 Back

These voluptuous, tortured women mixed the heady wine of ecstasy with the bitter liqueur of sadism — with explosive results!

From the back:

MARTY was a female Casanova, an insatiable lover whom her girl friends called Big Daddy…
NANCY was a lavish Latin brunette who played the field…
ANN was a switch-hitter, a mixed-up bisexual whom neither men nor women could satisfy…
HEIDI was a husky blonde dyke who loved to wrestle
CAROLE was a beautiful, wealthy Hollywood divorcee with exotic whims…
LISA was Carole’s slinky, cat-like playmate…
They all had one thing in common… THEY HATED (UGH) MEN!

This artwork was previously used for Campus Kittens

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When Lesbians Strike

Saber SA-79 1965

Donna, a power in the business world, had ways of taking what she wanted from pretty girls, who were unfortunate enough to meet her. Susan, her new secretary, wanted to play, but didn’t want to go all the way…

From the back:

Donna Wilson, a pretty, overbearing Lesbian, had the financial means, as well as the beauty, to seduce and force younger girls to become her play things. She took advantage of the knowledge of her beliefs that many or most girls were already latent Lesbians, and all she had to do was force them a little, and this would turn them out, make them aggressive enough to give her additional pleasure. Although she was strongly attracted to, and lived with Natalie Hamilton, she couldn’t restrain herself from her deep-rooted desire for many more girls, and her habit of turning the “latent” into an active, aggressive Lesbian.
Our author gives us an insight into the homes of smoldering Lesbians, who are supposedly happily married, and tells us how they pretend desire for men, when in fact they are watching in every direction for a change to practice their trade but still hang onto their “security” — a husband…


Left Of Sex

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Beacon B694X 1964 Back

Two beautiful young women — one tortured young man — caught in the grip of an unholy triangle

From the back:

The Three Faces Of Lust — How Long Could They Hide Their Shameful Secret?
Andrea — beautiful, brilliant, tempestuous. She scorned all men but one and would use any wile to keep him for herself… including seduction of his lovely young wife…
Lois — who didn’t recognize the silken trap of softer arms and lips — until it was too late. Then, did she dare say, “I’m in love with another woman — your sister,” to her husband…
Rolf — handsome, successful young attorney, whose love for both women drew him into a strange triangle of abnormalcy.
Today’s open sex scandals no longer shock a nation used to screaming headlines. It is discovery of the forbidden, secret practices even among decent men and women that causes a furor!
Don’t Miss This Probing, Sensitive Book!

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All the Girls Together

Bee-Line Books 186 1965

When the Florida sun melted their marriage bonds, two young couples — and one extra woman — found themselves in a strange arrangement that the girls really loved.

From the back:

Musical Beds
It began when Isabel was still a young girl, an entrancing, high-spirited blonde. Tired of her platonic relationship with Peter Doctor, she allowed Irv Jordan, the office wolf, to become her first lover.

Then Irv tired of Isabel, and sought the charms of the even-more-voluptuous Tina. On the rebound, Isabel fled back to Peter and married him; then Irv and Tina were wed. The four remained close, if uneasy, friends — and the stage was set for the inevitable holocaust of passion.
Isabel triggered it by giving her old lover, Irv, a blatant come-on, one night when they were all together. Tina walked out on her marriage… closely followed by Peter, who craved her unabashed sensuality.
They started a life together as tournament bridge players. What Peter didn’t know was that Tina’s sensuality was as attractive to other women as it was to men… but he learned all about that when the forceful Irene entered the scene — and made her sinister demands.

Cover art reused from Only In Secret
